Vol. 1
The Invitation Letter
The Invitation Letter
We would not be who we are without our sound design, which is at the core of our shape of art.
We let you listen our own unique and most beautiful greeting for the most fundamental sound.

The Universe of Vandaal
We will tell our story, but you will listen to your story.
If you focus on the sound, it eventually becomes one.
Hae In Yang
Audio Mixing
​​Sinae Bac
Concept Directing
Video Shooting & Editing
Visual Arts Design
Descriptive Writing
​Recorded 2024 VMP Studio
Released 2024 by VMP
Produced by VMP
Vol. 2
The Boditation
"Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual's conscious life, the blacker and denser it is."​​

Hae In Yang
Audio Mixing
Sinae Bac
Piano & Keys
Concept Directing
Video Shooting & Editing
Visual Arts Design
Descriptive Writing
Recorded 2024 VMP Studio
Released 2024 by VMP
Produced by VMP
Reflection in Our Shadows
​Seeing your own reflection in the shadows of others can be metaphorical and hold different meanings.
It might symbolize self-discovery, where aspects of yourself are revealed through interactions with others.
It could also suggest introspection, encouraging you to explore hidden or unacknowledged parts of your personality mirrored in your relationships.
The shadow self is the part of you that you deny and avoid because it’s too painful to deal with.
The significance can vary based on personal interpretations and the context in which this symbolism occurs in your life.
Soaking in the Trances
When we let go of all our defenses, we feel trances through the inner and outer self, and the boundaries between reality and imaginary dreams become blurred.
Sometimes this reality is more dreamlike than the dream, and we may be living in a dream.
To maintain the dream, whether we must endure pain or pursue pleasure is a difficult area to explore from the human intellectual perspective.
Vol. 3
[Attention Deficit Hyperfocus Disorganisation]

Vol. 3
1. Attention
2. Deficit
3. Hyperfocus
4. Disorganisation
Life has been filled with one question throughout: Who am I?
Honestly, too many questions every second. TOO MANY>
This is an album that contains the two of us as we are naked.
Joking. ​
We shaped the sounds our brain wants to rest in.
When we first met and talked a lot, we discovered something interesting. It was because we had such similar family backgrounds, such similar upbringings, and even such similar strange personal details that we couldn't tell anyone.
In the meantime, Sinae went to the doctor for counseling, was recommended to take a test, and was diagnosed with high-functioning ADHD.
ADHD is a disorder in which the frontal lobe of the brain does not develop normally. (Oh I knew that some part of me never grew up!)
Now Sinae finally able to vaguely outline the identity she had been struggling with. Not surprisingly Hae In was the same.
The funny thing is that neither of us got any effect from medication, and we were able to resolve it in our own ways that we had already learned while living, and that method, as you all know, was to solve it through ART.(Expecting the italic font side effect)
The sound of Vandaal that you have heard so far and will hear in the future is our own story that tells the many worlds we have seen and felt in our own way.
In fact, there are so many things we want to say but the topic keeps changing as I write this. It's hard to keep straight hahaha
Just like our brains that need rest amidst the overflowing information and newness, we hope you too can find rest while listening to this album.
Hae In Yang
Audio Mixing
​​​Sinae Bac
Piano & Keys
Concept Directing
Video Shooting & Editing
Visual Arts Design
Descriptive Writing
Recorded 2024 VMP Studio
Released 2024 by VMP
Produced by VMP
[National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea]
​Vandaal Special Edition - Single
The Beyond

Dragging down or drugging up but always the extra sourness forcibly us living life as
its we are all bouncing on the adventure at last.
Hae In Yang
Audio Mixing
Sinae Bac
Piano & Keys
Concept Directing
Visual Arts Design
Video Shooting & Editing
Beomjin Park
Produced by VMP
All copyright reserved ©VMP​